Free Post Flannery-inspired concert at Service Brewing will mark author's centennial "Flannery helped me understand my Southern roots. I would meet all these characters in her writing, and I’d say to myself, ‘I know these folks.’"
Free Post Building Savannah: The latest developments about development 'I don’t think Oglethorpe intended four-lane divided highways and traffic lights... As you cross East Broad and head out President Street the lots look radically different' from the Historic District.
Free Post Review: 'No Other Land' This is ethnic cleansing with a twist: Palestinians aren’t allowed to have a home, but they're also not allowed to leave.
Free Post Paddy's Day FAQs: Pro tips on how to enjoy Savannah's favorite time of year The City has abandoned the long-held but poorly received policy of charging money for a daily wristband to drink. So you are good to go to get your drink on as per usual.
Free Post Building Savannah: The latest developments about development 'Almost 40 percent of housing in Savannah are single-person. But right now only about 17 percent of our housing stock is one-bedroom.'
Free Post Building Savannah: The latest developments about development 'Why should there be a giant monument of five stories on this busy corner when everything else on this corner is much smaller?' one resident asked the MPC.
Free Post SMF: Cillian Vallely celebrates traditional Irish sound 'Our first time in town was 2012, and our first exposure to Savannah was literally being in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.'
Free Post Adventures in adaptive reuse: Georgia Trust head set to give talk “There’s definitely a place for house museums and things like that, but by and large we think that the best way to preserve these old buildings is to find an alternate use for them."
Free Post Building Savannah: The latest developments about development A developer wants to demolish the former Cora Bett Thomas office to build a six-story multi-use building – one “bonus” story higher than the allowed height of any building in the area.
Free Post The Galway Rogues are ready to rove into the Savannah Irish Festival 'I learned an instrument specifically to play Irish music. It’s been my vocation, my mission, to play this music and teach people about its history.'
Free Post Building Savannah: The latest developments about development The most interesting part of the developer’s proposal for the former City Hotel/Moon River building is to restore the original front porch design of the City Hotel. To do so would require express permission from the City.
Free Post Rest In Peace, John McMasters: A personal remembrance of a great Savannahian John focused his prodigious energies in a very hyperlocal fashion. In fact, I can say that I learned directly from him that hyperlocal is the best way to make a difference.
Free Post Endangered Places: Historic Savannah Foundation invites public to nominate buildings to preserve and protect 'There are so many layers of untapped or unpublicized history in Savannah, and I'm excited to bring those stories to light.'
Free Post From Murmur to Monster: R.E.M. tribute features all-star cast of Savannah's best musicians 'R.E.M. cut a wide path for indie rock bands, and they broke the mold with their sound.'
Free Post The legendary Bread and Puppet Theater pays a rare visit to Savannah “I’m awed at their approach. Their take on stage design, the poetry of their presentation.”