Free Post Frank Ricci Take 5: Sept. 16-22 What more can be said about Savannah’s favorite classic country cover crew? The eight Playboys are all accomplished musicians, bar owners, bartenders, and combinations thereof.
Free Post My'Kayle Pugh After The Storm, Part One: The volunteer effort in Richmond Hill 'The residents got there and started helping us organize it, and once we got it organized the kids kept pushing stuff in, water and food. We even got some diabetic cat food for one lady because her cat was on insulin.'
Free Post Maddie Greer Fragmented relics meet artistic vision: 'Found Anthologies' opens at Location Gallery 'I see a main character or a theme and then find little bits that give it space to breathe.'
Free Post Brian Myers Georgia Hi-Lo Trail breaks ground with goal of connectivity to Savannah trail system Upon its completion, the connected trails will span an estimated 250 miles, making it the longest connected paved trail network in the nation.
Free Post Lila Miller How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Ice Bath: Taking the plunge with the Savannah Ice Tub Club Beyond my hands and feet, I am almost reaching homeostasis and have decided to live in this tub for the rest of my natural-born life.
Free Post Emily King Getting to Know Savannah's Favorite Bartenders: Black Rabbit edition 'I fell in love with the place and am still here four years later. I can walk and ride my bike everywhere in this neighborhood and see my regulars while I'm out. I feel like a little part of the community.'
Free Post Maddie Greer SoyxSoy moves heaven and earth in 20-artist show at Cultural Arts Center 'You don’t have to go to Miami L.A. or Atlanta to have these cool experiences at immersive art shows that take you out of the feeling of being here in Savannah.'
Free Post Jessica Farthing Davenport House expands Yoga in the Garden program 'We had a lot of interest in the program, but it was only once a month. We needed a schedule that worked better for people.'
Free Post Frank Ricci Take Five: Sept. 9-15 Vocal siren Veronica Garcia-Melendez turned the potential cringe of “Final Countdown” by Europe into a soaring highlight of Nordista Freeze’s Space Prom.
Free Post Emily King ¡Sabrosa! Bar Julian to host Hispanic Heritage Month kickoff party on the rooftop 'My work with the Hispanic community in New York, raising awareness and celebrating our culture, inspired me to create an event that celebrates Hispanic and multicultural Savannah.'
Free Post My'Kayle Pugh Report from the rally: Protests, promises, and a shifting political landscape “Get your MAGA replacement hats here folks!” a merchant yells, walking along the line outside the arena. His high-energy, tongue-in-cheek sales slogan prompts laughs from many in line.
Free Post Kristy Edenfield 'I believe in her': Kamala Harris rally-goers in their own words 'I wanted my daughter to see the first woman president. She will remember that moment for the rest of her life.'
Free Post Refuge from the storm: A look at Coastal Pet Rescue's evacuation operations 'Luckily this time we only had about 40 animals to evacuate. We were able to do it all in 24 hours.'
Free Post Lila Miller Making peace with conflict: Savannah’s Mediation Center set for Peace in the Park music and art festival A third of the center’s work involves court mediation alongside the Chatham County court system, another third deals with youth work, and the last third involves training and supporting mediation in the workplace.