Free Post Margaret Iocovozzi Celebrating conflict resolution: Mediation Center set to award volunteers and partners 'How can we create a space to empower community members to resolve their own conflicts, even if they have already filed a court case?'
Free Post Lila Miller Bring on the Snake Parade: Savannah Slithering returns for fourth year 'Year one, we were just like, ‘this is an insane idea.’ We don't know if anyone will come. It could just be the forty of us people. It ended up being a few hundred.'
Free Post Building Savannah: The latest developments about development 'Why should there be a giant monument of five stories on this busy corner when everything else on this corner is much smaller?' one resident asked the MPC.
Free Post Ansley Standridge 'Made by young people for young people': Deep Center to hold Youth Summit 'It is kind of a village effort to get everybody that wants to be there in the door.'
Free Post Kristina Ilse Vetter Rave at Rocko: 'Neon GutZ' set to host a performance art party like no other The best performance artists create conversation with their audiences, rather than separation. They present themselves as part of the collective, melding and molding to show you something.
Free Post Nitty Gritty Dirt Band returns for a major farewell 'Our set list changes a little bit from night to night, especially if we're going from playing in a theater to playing in front of 15,000 people at a festival somewhere.'
Free Post SMF: Cillian Vallely celebrates traditional Irish sound 'Our first time in town was 2012, and our first exposure to Savannah was literally being in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.'
Free Post Frank Ricci Take 5: Feb. 24-March 2 Described as a “howling one-woman vocal wrecking crew,” Elli Perry gladly demolishes overly structured ideas of songwriting, and you’ll revel in the debris.
Free Post Jenna Moore The Savannahian Soundboard: Feb. 24-March 2 Our FREE weekly live music calendar!
Free Post Adventures in adaptive reuse: Georgia Trust head set to give talk “There’s definitely a place for house museums and things like that, but by and large we think that the best way to preserve these old buildings is to find an alternate use for them."
Free Post Brian Myers Strangebird and St. Patrick's alcohol issues: Savannah City Council Wrap-up, Feb. 13 Council voted to allow bar owners to engage in retail by the drink sales of alcohol on Sunday the 16th, a move recognized by Mayor Johnson as an important one.
Free Post Jenna Moore First annual Tybee Spring Shorebird Festival highlights 'our shared commitment to conservation' ‘I hope the festival inspires people to learn more about shorebirds and recognize how special the Georgia coast is for wildlife!’
Free Post Jenna Moore Savannah musicians gather to celebrate the Golden Era of country music ‘I'm always grateful to celebrate and honor the musicians that came before us… you must have roots if you want to get any fruit.’ - Ray Lundy