Free Post Jami Calandros First City Pride Center unveils new location, new logo After joining the team, MIchael Bell was right at home, helping establish medical services as well as mental health services and other community events.
Free Post A toast to Moon River: Brewmaster John Pinkerton on the closing of a Savannah icon "I told a friend of mine in the business in New York City what our rent was at Moon River. And he said, 'I know people who can literally see the Statue of Liberty from their brewery, and their rent isn't as high as yours.'"
Free Post Jenna Moore Victory North set to celebrate fifth anniversary with special show 'Savannah is filled with real people doing real things for real reasons. There’s nothing plastic about this scene.'
Free Post My'Kayle Pugh Going hardcore with Street Sweeper ahead of their upcoming show at the Lodge 'We're trying super, super hard to get the kids that are in Savannah integrated into the greater hardcore scene, so they can get into bands, [and] into the culture, and so that it can, like, regenerate itself.'
Free Post Jenna Moore Tybee native Allie Hayser works with Manomet to educate the public about shorebirds Manomet uses science and collaboration to strengthen bird migration routes, coastal ecosystems, and working lands and seas across the Western Hemisphere.
Free Post Lila Miller Sweating in Savannah: Beating the heat in Savannah’s public pools Out of sheer proximity and the brooding, wistful nature with which I had stalked it on my sweltering walks around the perimeter, I chose to try out the Daffin Park pool.
Free Post 'Sistah Patt' Gunn to deliver talk on the making of Taylor Square 'I performed a libation at her burial ground, and I promised Susie King Taylor that we’d eventually make a monument to her in Savannah, in addition to the square, so people living here and visiting here would know all about her.'
Free Post Enocha Edenfield Buskers' Lament: The future of art at Forsyth Park questioned In a city where art galleries are tough to keep open and rent is high, artists who busk at Forsyth Park told me this is an easier way to get their art in front of new eyes. Recently, though, many buskers have felt unwelcome and are questioning the future of the program.
Free Post MPC Wrap-up: Hotel at Savannah Station rejected; yet another self-storage facility set for Victory Drive The building to be demolished for the self-storage facility is the “Sweet Daddy Grace House,” former home of the founder of the International House of Prayer, a predominantly Black congregation.
Free Post Brian Myers Lucas Theater to host soundtrack-inspired summer film series As an added bonus, before each film, the audience will be able to hear selections from that evening’s film’s musical score, played from the keys of the newly restored Wurlitzer. The 1925 pipe organ was recently returned to the theater after a three-year restoration project.
Free Post Jami Calandros Pride on the Religious Side: A look into The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany If religion isn’t your thing, that’s cool with the Epiphany Church too. You can join them for Open Jam on Wednesday evenings after open prayer.
Free Post Jenna Moore Lucero heads back down South for their first Savannah show in a decade 'It’s that emotional kick to the gut that you get from music that does it for me.'
Free Post Shanna Marie Pour Boy Coffee is brewing with talent on Waters Avenue Everything from the black and white illustrations to the menu, to the digital artwork posters are Smith’s original artwork and creations. No part of the creative process was outsourced.
Free Post Steve Earle talks Savannah, live albums, and songwriting ahead of District Live show 'Not everybody should write overtly political songs... The trick to it is to create characters.'
Free Post Jenna Moore Anders Thomsen on honky-tonk, songwriting, and authenticity 'Learning to try without trying and letting it flow is essential when searching for an authentic flow of music and lyrics.'