Free Post Amanda Mack GreenRoom wants to make you uncomfortable, just a little 'We're all pretty chill people.'
Free Post Altimese Nichole Cosmic Corner: The resilient souls Behind Savannah's sacred space for all Co-owners Carmen and Zack rarely showcase themselves to keep the Cosmic Corner’s mission at the forefront intentionally.
Free Post Brian Myers Savannah City Council positioning itself to ban horse-drawn carriages City Manager Jay Melder introduced the idea of a total ban on horse-drawn carriages, ending an industry with deep Savannah roots and putting a stop to one of the most popular tourist attractions.
Free Post Mia Holmes Blessing of the Fleet continues comeback in Thunderbolt While Thunderbolt isn't the shrimping capital it once was, community leaders want to bring back that civic spirit.
Free Post Brian Myers Get your Gacy on: Graveface Museum to host true crime convention 'Getting the full picture of what really happened is a way to hold other guilty people accountable. That’s part of the scope, to bring awareness and attention to the unanswered questions.'
Free Post Lila Miller Poetry That Doesn’t Suck: Seersucker Live welcomes Spring Fever episode 'We were trying to make a show that was a little bit more fast paced, with a little more variety, more fun'
Free Post Brian Myers Black Tusk returns with seventh album and a free show this weekend at Congress Street Social The Savannahian sat down with founding member Andrew Fidler and the latest addition to the lineup, bassist Derek Lynch.
Free Post Jenna Moore Andy Frasco and the U.N. returns to Savannah for their first show at Victory North ‘Just trying to change the script a hair this year. I want people to know that it’s all about the music for me… I like to have fun and get crazy, but I want my words and our songs to be in the forefront for 2024.’
Free Post Altimese Nichole Basik Lee's mission to keep local music alive 'I just focus on finding the best local and regional talent. I don’t try to attract tourists. My main goal is to present exceptional artists and provide them with a platform to shine.'
Free Post Sam Bramlett West House Parkside: Finding what’s within you can be messy, and messy can be beautiful 'This new venture has been doing it all myself, and figuring out what can I do and still be like the primary stay-at-home parent.'
Free Post Brian Myers Savannah City Council Wrap-up, April 11: Gun storage ordinance passes, new life for old Back in the Day spot 'We tried the carrot. Now we need to try the stick,' the Mayor said in regard to the controversial gun storage ordinance.
Free Post Brian Myers Council workshop signals code changes for tour companies The millions taken in from hotel/motel tax and sales taxes, along with the substantial boost to area business that tourists give, come with some unpleasant consequences of popularity and growth.
Free Post MPC Wrap-up, April 9: Major action in Starland, and another huge development for Little Neck/Hwy 17 'It’s probably timely to revisit the Starland parking study,' MPC staffer Edward Morrow told commissioners.
Free Post Amber Smith BlessedFest celebrates a decade of devotion and deviance 'We were never the Disney people. We always wanted to scare folks'