Free Post Jami Calandros Savannah Cabaret readies 'Young Frankenstein' to celebrate film's 50th anniversary 'This production was definitely more ambitious than Rocky Horror, and not every comedy makes you laugh out loud like this one.'
Free Post Jenna Moore Dawes stops in Savannah on their Southeast spring tour for a show at Victory North ‘I daydream about owning a bookstore someday. But if the touring stays good, I’ll probably never get around to it.’
Free Post Andrew Scarano Seriously Cheeky: The playful pathos of William S. Dutterer Through his career, Dutterer became very popular for his innovative messages often represented with masks, faces, and wrapped objects.
Free Post Brian Myers Sobremesa Wine Bar continues with forward momentum The wine dinners have become an open secret at Sobremesa. They are discussed by past guests with enthusiasm, but aren’t advertised by the business.
Free Post Shanna Marie Back in time with the Old Fashioned Bazaar The Old Fashioned Bazaar is the brainchild of Helena Dunne, and started as a one woman show outside Finches in Thunderbolt.
Free Post Jillian Zbleski Take It or Leave It: How do I navigate my relationship while newly sober? Even though it is difficult and uncomfortable, if you are still not able to talk to your husband about the intimacy issue, your problem may be bigger than the bedroom and other issues may need to be addressed.
Free Post Neighborhood Comics Neighborhood Comics presents: Comic Artist Spotlight - Robin L. Davis 'Redrawing the art was my way of paying homage to that 6th grader who never stopped loving the craft.'
Free Post The good, the bad, and the ugly from this year’s state legislative session A voucher bill and major expansion of bail crimes passed, while a couple of anti-LGBTQ bills did not.
Free Post Emily King Savannah takes on Earth Day 'It's easy to feel defeated with Eco-grief – the dooming feeling of climate change – but I hope this event will be the exact opposite of that'
Free Post Lila Miller From trash to treasure trove, Savannah Trash Daddies will haul it all 'There's just so much we watch get thrown away all the time, but there's really nothing wrong with it, just that people don't have the knowledge.'
Free Post Amy Helm heads south for her debut performance at the Savannah Music Festival ‘Savannah has got a great vibe, good people and it’s a wonderful space to feel inspired.’
Free Post Lila Miller The SIP Ceramic Cup Show returns bigger than ever The SIP: Ceramic Cup show was originally started by ceramicist Mitzi Davis and has become wildly successful with hundreds of entries every year. Now it’s run mainly by the Savannah Clay Community and helps serve the greater community as well.
Free Post Altimese Nichole When Photography Heals: Meet photographer Roland Shamon Thomas 'Whether I'm capturing moments at a shoot or a wedding, I find solace in immersing myself in the emotions of the day, witnessing them unfold through my lens.'
Free Post Underground parking garage at corner of Forsyth Park gets final green light The claim is that the project will be a net neutral expense for taxpayers, while providing a new City parking garage with at least some usability by the public.