Free Post Jami Calandros Everything's Prine: Tribute show to late legend set for Tybee Post 'We are hoping to make this event a yearly celebration of Prine’s music and legacy.'
Free Post Jami Calandros Making a safe haven: Savannah Pride Center to hold first annual Health Summit 'Savannah is a special place and a safe haven for the LGBTQIA+ community.'
Free Post Jami Calandros 'If you feel powerless, donate and organize': Savannah Pride Center strategizes for second Trump administration 'We certainly don’t have all the answers, but we want to get people prepared for the shifts in policy that the new administration has already pledged and promised.'
Free Post Jami Calandros 'Sacred space': Poetry Co-Op builds community of writers Clark is also known for closing out the session with a reading of “Ten Shitty Haikus,” which is exactly as it sounds: ten not-so-great haiku poems read aloud by Clark.
Free Post Jami Calandros Tybee Post Music Festival brings three days of music, food, and fun The idea for the festival was developed post-pandemic as a way to bring people back out into the community. Major acts, including the Indigo Girls, have been featured on their stage, as well as several local bands.
Free Post Jami Calandros 25th annual Savannah Pride Festival set for Forsyth Park The theme of this year's event is “Barbie,” with everyone encouraged to wear their favorite Barbie attire. There will be a costume contest with prizes including a package from Spa Bleu, and camping on the lawn to watch Barbie in the evening.
Free Post Jami Calandros Black Lips return to Savannah with Basically Nancy for Coach's Corner gig “Sometimes we literally have to relearn our own songs because we have so many,” said Jared Swilley.
Free Post Jami Calandros Savannah Pride Center holds ribbon-cutting for new location on Abercorn 'With this new space, our interagency partnerships with LGBTQIA+ mdcial providers and nonprofits will be under one roof. We'll be able to vastly increase our mental and behavioral health department by doubling the amount of people our Prism Clinic can see.'
Free Post Jami Calandros First City Pride Center unveils new location, new logo After joining the team, MIchael Bell was right at home, helping establish medical services as well as mental health services and other community events.
Free Post Jami Calandros Pride on the Religious Side: A look into The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany If religion isn’t your thing, that’s cool with the Epiphany Church too. You can join them for Open Jam on Wednesday evenings after open prayer.
Free Post Jami Calandros Savannah Cabaret readies 'Young Frankenstein' to celebrate film's 50th anniversary 'This production was definitely more ambitious than Rocky Horror, and not every comedy makes you laugh out loud like this one.'